So, this morning is definitely a blah kind of day. Sophia has been sick for almost a week now with a bad cold. Thankfully she is pleasant, but she can't breathe, so she is not eating or sleeping well at all. It has left me tired and with a migraine for the past week.....I also found out about a few different things today that have left me just feeling kind of hurt, and disappointed and discouraged and I hate feeling that way. It is something I expect all the time, but yet it still bothers me. I hate that I let it have that effect on me.
On top of all that yuckiness, our schedule at school is still in flux, with kids coming and going all the time, class lists constantly changing and a million kids (well, really only about 35) in some classes. It is crazy. This is week 4 of the school year....why can't they get it right by now???? So, I have not done much in the way of teaching, more just crowd control right now.
I have also started planning the kids musical for church which starts this Saturday. I have a new helper this year, which hopefully will end up being a good thing! I have about 30 kids signed up and more tend to show as the weeks go on, so we will see what happens. I still need 2 young adults for the two adult parts, so we will see if I can find people for those spots. It seems to be a really cute musical and I am excited about it.
Well, I think that is about it for right now, so I am going to go get a scrap page or two done!
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6 hours ago
awwww sorry sophia is stuffy. Jamesen is too and making me not sleep as well :(
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